Line | Timeline
This wedding timeline features a modern aesthetic.
You can change the text, add or take away icons and change the colors to better match your event! Â please email us with your timeline once confirmed and we will send you a proof before printing
We know every wedding is unique so if you would like a custom designed sign please send us an email we would love to bring your vision to life!
Sign Sizes A1 (59cm x 80cm) A2Â (42cm x 59cm), A3Â (29.7cm x 42cm),
PLEASE NOTE: If your select A1 size there will be an addition Freight fee which will need to be paid once ordered.
Product details
The team here at made for you love to make the perfect product just for you.
If you would like a custom made item or have an idea of something you would like made we can work with you to make something unique especially for you, just get in touch via our Custom Made page.
Business Delivery Non Rural $8.80
Urban Delivery NZ wide $9.80
Rural Delivery $14.80
Pick up Mosgiel, Free